There are four types of severe acne, they are acne conglobata, acne fulminans, gram negative folliculitis, and nodulocystic acne. And each has the potential to create emotional turmoil and unparralleled social anxiety in the lives of it's sufferers. Severe acne can not only be physical disfiguring, but years of treatment are almost a given. That is until Accutane came along. In the world of severe acne remedies, Accutane, which features the active ingredient isotretinoin, burst onto the scene of severe acne remedies in the eighties and has gone on to receive acclaim as the only drug with the ability to permanently curtail the onset of acne outbreaks after only one treatment.
According to a series of 2006 studies, the highly effective Accutane and Roaccutane, another of the severe acne remedies featuring isotretinoin as an active ingredient, have resulted in the long-term remission of acne in eighty-five of it's patients. And as the experts tell it, no drug for severe acne has demonstrated the promise of Accutane. But Accutane's introduction to the World of Severe Acne Remedies was a long time coming, there's a long history of failed innovation in the realm of acne drugs that precedes the massive success of Accutane.
The History of Severe Acne Remedies
Acne is as old as civilization, so it didn't take long before the ancient Romans caught on the fact that this red, irritating skin disorder with a tendency to pop (literally) on the skin when it was the least desired was going to be a really canker sore. Just check out De Medicinia by Roman writer Celsus. The scholar extensively chronicled acne from a societal view. For the Romans, the ultimate treatment for severe acne was a hot bath. Without much to work with, Ancient Rome was stuck with mineral water rich in sulfur as an acne treatment. The entrance of the nineteenth century brought with it the dermatologist-and not a bit more knowledge on how to go about creating a list of severe acne remedies. Instead of baths, dematologists of the 1800's were anxious to use sulphur as an acne treatment.
While the flappers were setting the streets on fire during the roaring 1920's, benzoyl peroxide was introduced as one of the first widely successful severe acne remedies. A success that has followed it chemical into the twenty-first century. Benzoyl peroxide is placed over the acne effected area in the form of either a gel or a cream. After invoking some initial dryness and irritation, benzoyl peroxide begins to take over as a peeling agent and works as antibiotic.
The 1950's marked the introduction of antibiotics-well, the first time that they were made readily available at least. Almost instantly the connection was made between antibacterial medications and their possible role as one of the successful severe acne remedies. Acne antibiotics were first taken orally, before later making the upgrade to topical creams. The sixties was a decade that would be remembered for change, and the changes in severe acne remedies would pave the way for the great strides of the Accutane era. During this period, vitamin A and retin A were used as acne treatments, from this combination isotretinoin was developed-you know the rest.
While lots of the severe acne remedies of the past have fallen by the waistside, many of the most ancient methods are being re-introduced today. Perhaps the Ancient Romans were on to something when they suggested spa treatment as a remedy for acne.
The Future of Severe Acne Remedies
For years, laser surgery has been believed to diminish the presence of acne scars, but what if the same surgery could prevent the disorder from ever forming? In 2006, researchers began looking into the likelihood that laser surgery may mark the new age of remedies for severe acne. According to the experts, the lasers may work in three ways, beginning by burning the follicle gland. The sebaceous gland is the biological producer of oil. Laser surgery may be able to treat acne by burning the gland. The surgery may also be slated to introduce oxygen into the skin bacteria, consequently killing it.
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