Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Veteran Challenges Within the VA System

Veterans, whether in-active, active, in reserve, or other supporting role encounter day-to-day challenges combined with various human and diverse cultural interactions. Furthermore, veterans endure sacrifices through distance voyages, long-term family separations, endurance, and commitments such that others may enjoy or benefit from freedoms those veterans serve and protect. In addition when combining roles of veterans with other responsible positions develops high-esteemed candidates for any responsible organization. In essence veterans create high rankings for protecting individual freedoms, which unfortunately become unrecognized by Daniels or managers of Veteran Administration officials.

For instance, General Eric Shinseki performed meritorious service throughout his career path. Furthermore, wounded in Vietnam combat to becoming the Army's Chief of Staff, General Eric Shinseki was awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal. In addition General Eric Shinseki became recognized by the Honorable President Barack Obama, who appointed General Eric Shinseki as Secretary of Veteran Affairs. In essence General Eric Shinseki became recognized for his service, commitment, and due diligence within his command structure. As stated by the Department of Veteran Affairs (2009), "Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he led the Army during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom and integrated the pursuit of the Global War on Terrorism with Army Transformation, successfully enabling the Army to continue to transform while at war."

Similarly, Honorable Senator John McCain endured numerous challenges from his military career to continued Congressional representative persistence. While volunteering for military service during the Vietnam War crises, Senator John McCain encountered dangerous missions including many low-flying bombing raids from carrier-based operations. Unfortunately, low-flying bombing raids have risks and Senator John McCain's plane was shot down resulting in various injuries. In any event, Senator John McCain through perseverance and determination survived the crash including prisoner of war activity. As stated by Biography.com (2008), "He broke both arms and one leg during the ensuing crash. McCain was moved to Hoa Loa prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton," on December 9, 1969."

Additionally, other veterans such as Harold Samberg, gave enormous sacrifices such that others can appreciate or enjoy the liberties, which exist today. For instance, Samberg being a WWII veteran and prisoner of war endured many challenges under occupied Nazi Germany. As quoted by Samberg (2008), "Everybody did what they had to do." In essence Samberg understood sacrifice and what Samberg was fighting for. As stated by Weber (2008), "Last Wednesday, U.S. troops in Afghanistan flew an American flag in honor of Samberg. He is expected to receive the flag sometime next week." Hence Samberg as other veterans rank high enough resulting from sacrifices during time of service understood the commitment required for freedom to flourish.

Furthermore, as veterans such as me and others endured sacrifices committing 24/7 service toward peace and freedom, veterans such as I received honorable discharges and other medals for recognition toward such sacrificed service. In essence veterans rank high enough through preferences for committing sacrificed service. As stated by Mason (2009):

In speaking of the flag he encouraged people to remember that the white stripes represent purity of purpose; the red stripes courage and our willingness to die if necessary for American ideals; and the blue represents the tranquility upon which our states are united "to hold intact all that is truly ours.

In addition as stated by Brook (2003), "A 20-year military veteran, Staff Sgt. Philip Collins, 49, was days away from retirement when he got the call to active duty." In essence Staff Sgt. Philip Collins understood sacrifice as other veterans understand sacrifice through respective and courage's meritorious service.

On the other hand, honorable veterans, who understand sacrifice, seek positions within the Veteran Administrations (VA), high-ranking employees inside the VA seek outside assistance for fixing GI bill payment disasters; high-ranking VA employees steal from homeless veterans; high-ranking VA employees require same veteran applicants applying for same position multiple times; high-ranking VA employees collect bonuses as veterans await benefit payments; high-ranking VA employees position files ready for shredding even as veterans are suffering. In essence high-ranking employees within the VA create incomprehensible and insulting decisions to qualified and honorable veterans. Furthermore, as stated by Whittington (2009) and reflecting upon Sotomayor comments, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Similarly, I would hope that a high-ranking VA employee, who has not lived that life, would recognize a German, Jew, and veteran with cultural experiences toward assisting other veterans and developing or creating a wise decision.

For instance, honorable and high-ranking veterans apply for positions within the VA organization, who desire toward making a difference using individual veteran training and aligned experiences. In addition when using veteran experiences, veterans can relate toward other veterans through similar experiences exposed throughout military service. Unfortunately, when veterans such as I or others apply toward positions within the VA, veterans such as I receive insults such as "not ranking high enough or "decisions not made," whereas high-ranking VA employees collect bonuses for delayed decisions. In other words, as stated by Daniel, "most positions require multiple applications for the same position." Hence, delayed or multiple applications create VA bonuses or a beggar's society whilst veterans are exhausting respective lifelines. As stated by Ure (2009), "While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses." As additionally stated by Gerson (1990), "...on the inadequate systems to care for homeless people [and! take a hard look at why people beg." In essence and as Michael Moore revealed, can delayed payments or delayed hiring practices guide high-ranking VA employees receiving bonuses for relevant actions? Furthermore, can delayed hiring practices or multiple submittals contribute toward a veteran's homeless society? As additionally stated by Scott (2009), "It is illogical to put a cap on VA funding when it is impossible to put a cap on the number of those wounded and injured in service to their country." Similarly, placing a cap on hiring veterans currently at 30% seems unsound when veterans provide 100% service toward protecting America's freedom.

Nonetheless, as honorable veterans attempt toward securing a VA position, other high-ranking VA workers manage stealing from homeless veterans. For instance, veterans stand downs are for veterans providing veterans with uplift and encouragement, which will add spirit toward veteran's personality. Unfortunately, as homeless veterans seek desired goods, high-ranking VA employees find means toward reclaiming such goods. As stated by Scott (2009), "How can a VA employee believe that something donated to a homeless veteran belongs to them?" Unfortunately, as stated by Scott (2009), "..staff will be provided amnesty if merchandise is returned voluntarily..." In essence high-ranking and confiscated-goods employees receive amnesty as capable and honorable veterans receive homelessness.

Nevertheless, as honorable veterans endeavor toward securing a VA position, high-ranking VA employees focus toward retirement, collecting bonuses, or positioning files ready for shredding as veterans are suffering or awaiting benefits. For instance, individuals such as I seek basic information from individual records. Unfortunately, when requesting information, response of "We have been unable to locate the record needed to answer your request" occurs. In essence high-ranking employees cannot locate basic records for implied low-ranking veterans. As stated by Scott (2009), "A letter, apparently from a VBA employee, telling a widow that other employees have hidden files necessary to her late husband's claim... and, then, it appears VAOIG is investigating the widow!" In other words, if a screening process is in place toward hiring high-ranking employees, then calamities of various incidences would not take place. On the other hand, if attempts toward hiring only a 30% veteran workforce, then misalignments will take place. As further stated by Scott (2009), "...brazenly admits that VA employees deliberately removed medical records from her late husband Robert's file." In essence lost paperwork can result in lost payments. Similarly, un-written answers toward hiring questions can result in implied low-ranking candidates. As stated by Maze (2009), "A new report about Veterans Affairs Department employees squirreling away tens of thousands of unopened letters related to benefits claims is sparking fresh concerns that veterans and their survivors are being cheated out of money." Hence high-ranking VA employees deny veteran's benefits and create shredding exercises for honorable and sacrificed veterans.

Nonetheless, as capable and honorable veterans seek positions and growth within the Veterans Administration assisting with various claims and decision processes, high-ranking VA employees seek outside assistance toward VA benefits processing. In other words, delayed hiring techniques create other dilemmas within the Veterans Administration Center. As stated by Scott (2009), "In what can only be called an act of desperation, the VA is now admitting that they can't process claims for the New G.I. Bill in a timely manner and are seeking outside assistance." In essence processing G.I. Bill benefits requires outside assistance. Furthermore, denied employment for capable and honorable veterans will delay future processing decisions. As further stated by Scott (2009), "...never once mentioning the tens of thousands of veterans who are not getting their G.I. Bill payments on time." As additionally stated by a veteran:

Great job Larry! Please keep up the heat on these people. My VA claim was submitted by my school to the VA 10 weeks ago and I have not heard a peep. I had to take out a student loan because of the VA's ineptness. I was told today by the Atlanta RPO that i have 6 more weeks to wait. As USAFRet said, let them all RESIGN NOW! They have failed the veterans, how many of these guys ever gave a minute for their country in a foreign land or at all? TEAR IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, senior management is constructing revised missions, which reduces veteran's homelessness. In essence achieving veteran homelessness shows appreciation toward a veteran community. As stated by Levine (2009), "'My name is Shinseki, and I am here to end veteran homelessness,' VA Secretary Eric Shinseki said Tuesday in a speech to the National Summit on Homeless Veterans." However, as senior management focuses toward reducing veteran homelessness, management comments of "attempt toward finding three veterans," "not ranking high enough," or "requiring multiple applications" creates a path of homeless direction. Furthermore, as stated by Allers, Ph.D. (2009), "Today's conditions can lead to much worse than begging." Additionally, as stated by another veteran:

There are some good people that are not vets, but for the most part, they should be hiring veterans with the proper background in the respective field. My local VAMC has 29% veterans. The Milwaukee VAMC has 31%. I would bet that is the same for the rest of the country. If that were scores on a test they both would be flunking!

In conclusion, honorable veterans seek positions within the VA organization using education and experiences, which are relevant toward other veterans. In addition, when veterans helping veterans exists, then relevant experiences can take place. Furthermore, when a desired goal toward reducing veteran homelessness becomes a viable mission, then veterans-helping-veterans becomes a solution. On the other hand, when VA managers create obscured hiring decisions or comments, then various dilemmas as aforementioned will occur. Furthermore, high-ranking employees within the VA would not create mischievous activities or require watchdog organizations from occurring.


Maze, R. (2009). Unopened claims letters hidden at VA offices. HCVets.com. Retrieved November 3, 2009, from website http://www.hcvets.com/SurveillanceAlerts/090304Unopenedclaimshidden.htm.

Scott, L. (2009). VA EMPLOYEES STEAL FROM HOMELESS VETERANS. VA Watchdog.org. Retrieved November 2, 2009, from website http://www.vawatchdog.org/09/nf09/nfoct09/nf101909-1.htm.

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