There are many ways in which You may Save Money by utilizing Virtual Consulting, Virtual Consultants and a Virtual Consulting Firm to help you satisfy your business needs!
In this article we will briefly discuss the Top 7 Ways in which You may Save Money by utilizing Virtual Consulting, Virtual Consultants and a Virtual Consulting Firm to help you satisfy of your business needs, OK?
The first three (3) Money Saving items, below, are ways in which You may Save Money by utilizing Virtual Consulting and Virtual Consultants relative to the costs of utilizing "traditional" consultants that you or they require that they work at your site/facilities. You should be able to realize these Significant Money Savings whether utilizing independent Virtual Consultants and/or Virtual Consultants from a Virtual Consulting Firm, namely:
1) You Save Money on Travel and Living Expenses
By utilizing Virtual Consultants who work remotely/virtually from wherever in the world they happen to be, you don't have to pay all of the travel and living expenses generally if you or the consultant requires that they work at your site/facilities, you know?
These travel and living expenses, you save by utilizing Virtual Consultants, may include any to all of the following:
* Airfare
* Rental cars
* Hotels
* Meals
* Per Diems
* Etc.
And some "traditional consultants" will even bill you for all of the time they spend traveling to/from your site and their "home/base", you know?
All of these travel and living expenses can really mount up when you have to fly each consultant in and out to your site(s) every week for potentially months on end!, you know?
Virtual Consultants provide you their consulting services remotely/virtually. This means you don't incur any of these types of travel and living expenses by utilizing Virtual Consulting, you see?
So ...
How much money would it immediately save you if you didn't have to pay all of these travel and living expenses for each/all of the consultants you may wish to engage to help you satisfy your business needs?
2) You Save Money on Facilities
Virtual Consultants work from their own offices, homes and/or wherever they happen to be.
Therefore, you do not have to provide facilities, e.g. offices, conference rooms, telephones, etc. for any of the Virtual Consultants you utilize, you know?
How much money might you save by not having to provide the facilities for each/all of the consultants you may engage to help you satisfy your business needs?
3) You Save Money on Computer and Office Equipment
Virtual Consultants use their own computers and office equipment to perform their consulting services for you.
Therefore, you do not have to provide additional computer or office equipment for any of the Virtual Consultants you utilize to use, which a traditional consultant would likely need to use while working at your site. Further, none of your staff has to spend their time setting up, configuring and/or cleaning up computers and/or networks just for your consultants to use at your site, you know?
How much money would you also save by not having to provide and manage all of the additional computers, networks and office equipment for each/all of the consultants you may engage to help you satisfy all of your consulting needs?
The next two (2) Money Saving items, below, are additional ways in which You may Save More Money by utilizing Virtual Consulting and Virtual Consultants versus having to recruit, hire, employ and your own employees to provide these services, complete these projects and/or tasks to satisfy your same business needs, namely:
4) You Save Money on your Human Resources
Why have to carry employees on your payroll all the time, when you may only need their particular skills, talents, and/or experience for particular tasks, projects and/or part of the time?
Why not just pay for the resources with the skills, talents, and/or experiences you need just when you need them, e.g. to complete a particular task or project?
Virtual Consulting provides you with with access to a "Just In Time (JIT)" flexible workforce. You can engage just the Virtual Consultants that you need and just when you need them to complete your particular tasks and projects. These resources then don't cost you anything when you aren't using / don't need them!, you know?
Further, by utilizing Virtual Consultants, you don't have to pay all of costs associated with providing all of the benefits that you would have to when employing your own full time employees, you know?
So ...
How much money would you also save by utilizing Virtual Consultants and not having to carry all of the employees on your payroll all the time, from whom you may only need their particular skills, talents, and/or experience for particular tasks, projects and/or part of the time?
5) You Save Money on Recruiting and Hiring
Having access to this type of flexible workforce of Virtual Consultants also allows your business to Save Money by being able to more efficiently and effectively "ramp up" or "scale back" your human resources with all of the "ebbs" and "flows" of your business, you know?
You don't have to incure all of the additional costs of posting jobs, recruiting candidates, hiring and training new employees to address seasonal variations in your business, new projects and/or unexpected increases in your business that may not last forever, right?
You may quickly and easily engage all of the Virtual Consultants to more efficiently and effectively match your human resources with your business needs at any time! and Save Money in the process, you know?
The final, for now, two (2) Money Saving items, below, are additional ways in which You may Save even More Money by engaging a Virtual Consulting Firm who provides all of the Virtual Consultants and Virtual Consulting services to satisfy your business needs, versus having to recruit, hire, employ and your own employees to provide these services and satisfy these same business needs, namely:
6) You Save Money finding the Right Resource for the "Job"
Do you realize how much time, effort and money it costs you to find the right person to successfully perform a particular "job" / complete a particular project or task?
It has been my experience as both a corporate hiring manager and as the Principal of a consulting firm, that the Pareto principle, more commonly known as the 80/20 Rule, applies in these situations as well! This means that for every position for which you are trying to hire an employee or find the right consultant, and in each phase of this process, only 20% of the people you interview or hire/engage will be the right person for that job or task. That means that you are likely to hire/engage up to five (5) different people before you find the right/best person for that job or task. Spending all of this time and effort to find this one (1) right person may be very time consuming and very costly!, you know? And you have to start all over with this whole process each time you need to replace someone for whatever reason, you know?
You may avoid all of this lost time, effort and these costs by employing a Virtual Consulting Firm that takes care of all of that for you! :) A good Virtual Consulting Firm will find the right person for each job, task or project for you! Further, a good Virtual Consulting Firm will replace any consultants as needed, for whatever reason, completely transparently to you!
So ...
How much more time, effort and Money will this Save You by engaging a Virtual Consulting Firm to provide you with the right person for each job, task or project you need for your business?
7) You may Save Significant amounts of Money on Consulting Rates
Even many independent Virtual Consultants may offer you significantly lower rates for their consulting services if they are able to remotely/virtually simple due to the benefits of Virtual Consulting to them and their strong preference to be able to work from wherever they want, you know?
A good Virtual Consulting Firm may further be able to offer you lower rates for the specific consulting services you need to satisfy your specific business needs. They are able to offer you these better rates by having access to many Virtual Consultants of various levels, skills and experiences such that they may match the right consultants with the best rates for your specific requirements and business needs, you see?
Further, a Virtual Consulting Firm is itself typically a virtual organization, they generally don't have the traditional overhead of facilities, etc. and are able to capitalize on all of the aforementioned Money Saving benefits. Therefore, they are able to pass these savings on to you in the form of lower consulting rates, and you ultimately Save More Money!, you see?
So ...
Given all of these ways, discussed herein, in which you may Save Money by utilizing Virtual Consulting, Virtual Consultants and a Virtual Consulting Firm, Just think of all of the Money You may Save by starting to utilize Virtual Consulting, Virtual Consultants and a Virtual Consulting Firm to help you satisfy your business needs Today!
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